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What Mental Illness Feels Like

By: Justine Smith, New Media/Web Content Coordinator

Life With  a Mental Illness graphic for Mental Health MonthMay is Mental Health Month and this year’s theme focuses on Life with a Mental Illness. 

Whether you have a mental illness or you know someone who does, all are invited to share what a mental illness feels like through photos, words, video, etc. with the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike.

According to Mental Health America, “sharing is the key to breaking down negative attitudes and misperceptions surrounding mental illnesses, and to show others that they are not alone in their feelings and their symptoms.”

To help erase the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness, here are some of the best visual representations and quotes about mental health we found. Share yours in the comment section below! 

if physical ailments were treated like mental illness comic

Suicide Prevention by waving graphic

"We can fake out smiles, but not our feelings." graphic

"Mental Illness is not a choice, but recovery is." Graphic

"If you have asthma you take asthma medicine. If you have diabetes you take diabetes medicine. But as soon as you have to take medicine for your brain, you are immediately stigmatized."

"Labels are for jars, not people. Fight Mental Illness Stigma."

Mental Disorders are not adjectives graphics

Person, not diagnosis graphic

"When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them."

Remember, use the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike on social media during May. Everything will be collected at


2 comments on “What Mental Illness Feels Like

  1. Joseph Auria says:

    Great insight in to having a mental illness, not easy to cope with day to day. God Bless those who are presented with this day to day challenge.

    1. DePaul says:

      You're so right, Joe. Thanks for your comment.

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