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DePaul’s WorkGuide Makes a Difference

DePaul’s WorkGuide program has decades of experience providing vocational support to individuals with mental, developmental or physical disabilities seeking assistance with gainful employment in Monroe County.  The program assists in building a sense of community between employers and employees while also fostering respect and support for individuals with disabilities.

WorkGuide participant Jack* shares his trajectory of pursuing a career goal to “graduating” from the program!


DePaul WorkGuide Logo

In 2018, Jack utilized WorkGuide’s Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) funded Supported Employment program to assist with his goal of working in the outdoors. At the time, he was receiving Social Security benefits and had Medicaid insurance.

WorkGuide provided individualized job preparation, including résumé and interviewing skills as well as job coaching. Jack initially explored a potential career in landscaping but determined that the role was not the right fit.

In winter 2019, WorkGuide assisted with Jack’s career development when he expressed interest in applying to the United State Postal Office (USPS) as a floater Postal Carrier.

WorkGuide’s extended services provided Jack the opportunity to meet regularly with program staff to ensure a smooth transition acclimating to a new job. After learning new skills during the first few months at his job, he soon determined that he wanted to pursue a long-term career at USPS. Soon, Jack was promoted to a City Carrier Associate.

During this time, Jack enrolled in WorkGuide’s Employment Network,  a program to help people secure jobs that will enable them to earn enough income to remain off of Social Security benefits.

In January 2022, he closed on the purchase of his first home and expressed gratitude for WorkGuides’s support and encouragement while achieving his career and personal goals! He has found immense satisfaction at USPS and, over time, his need for employment support from WorkGuide has decreased.

By March 2022, he graduated from the Employment Network and is still employed as a City Carrier Associate. He also no longer receives Social Security benefits or Medicaid but instead pays taxes which help fund others who need the assistance of both programs.

*Name has been changed

WorkGuide provides support and services for many as they explore educational opportunities and career options. We are proud to assist others in their employment journey toward independence.

Learn more about DePaul’s WorkGuide program! 



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