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Weaving a lesson on Zimbabwe (Woodridge)

January 25, 2013 (Monroe, NC) ─ Equipped with strips of paper and cloth, residents at Woodridge, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Monroe, enjoyed a hands-on lesson on the traditional art of weaving.

Woodridge resident Nancy Snyder works on her weaving project

Pictured here, Woodridge resident Nancy Snyder works on her weaving project. The craft was part of a month-long study of Zimbabwe, a landlocked country in southern Africa. Home to Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River, textiles and clothing are one of Zimbabwe’s largest exports.

The activity was a creative outlet for residents requiring attention to detail and hand-eye-coordination, said Woodridge Activities Director Lisa Fago.

“The joy of making something beautiful with nothing more than pieces of paper and fabric is something that the residents really take pride in,” said Fago. “The seniors hung their weavings in their rooms and some even put a photograph on the front to make it into a frame.”

Willyne Sanders, a 99-year-old resident at Woodridge, shows off the completed weaving project.

Willyne Sanders, a 99-year-old resident at Woodridge, shows off the completed weaving project. For more information about Woodridge, please contact Administrator Stephanie Yow at (704) 225-0011 or visit us on Facebook.