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Hats off to hats (Horizons)

March 22, 2013 (Canandaigua, NY) ─ In honor of the birthday of the baseball cap, first worn by the Brooklyn Excelsior in 1860, Horizons residents and staff celebrated with a funny hat day on March 14. Straw hats were adorned with flowers, stickers, craft foam, words and ribbons and voted on by residents and staff at the end of the day.

Horizons residents pictured with their funny hats

Pictured with their funny hats are Horizons residents Ruth Stanton, June Cameron and Virginia Thorn.

Horizons resident Dan Troy contemplates the design of his funny hat

Horizons resident Dan Troy contemplates the design of his funny hat on March 14 as part of the DePaul Senior Living Community’s baseball cap birthday celebration. For more information about Horizons, please contact Administrator Melissa Brien (585) 396-3390 or visit us on Facebook.