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Centenarian Plus One (Southfork)

April 8, 2013 (Winston-Salem, NC) ─ Mildred Bowers, a resident of Southfork, a DePaul Senior Living Community, recently celebrated her 101st birthday. Born in 1912, Mildred has been a resident of Winston-Salem for 80 years. She worked with her husband in the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) office which he opened after retiring from the police force. For pleasure, she and her husband enjoyed taking trips to New York and Las Vegas.

Southfork resident Mildred Bowers celebrating her 101st birthdayLast year, in honor of her 100th birthday, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Jones issued a proclamation declaring March 30 Mildred Bowers Day. For her 101st birthday, which was on March 30, Bowers celebrated with friends and family at Southfork on March 28. She’s pictured here with her guardian Ella Dowell.

For more information about Southfork, please contact Administrator Jennifer Foy at (336) 768-8828.