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Let’s Go Fly a Kite (Dayspring of Wallace)

April 17, 2013 (Wallace, NC) ─ Dayspring of Wallace residents and staff were transported back to the days of their youth on the wings of a warm, spring breeze. The DePaul Senior Living Community sought relief from spring fever with an afternoon of flying kites.

Dayspring of Wallace residents flying their kite“This was a wonderful day we got to share with our residents here at Dayspring of Wallace,” said Activities Director Lisa Rich.

‘You don’t know how good this made me feel,’ ‘Man this brings back memories,’ and ‘I should call my family and tell them to do this with my grandchildren,’ were just a few of the sentiments expressed during the activity according to Rich.

Pictured left, Dayspring of Wallace residents Elizabeth Edwards, Josephine Williams, Esther Trujillo and Housekeeper Anita Strickland achieve lift-off with their kite while Jane Hepler receives assistance from Dietary Manager Carolyn Newkirk.

For more information about Dayspring of Wallace, please contact Administrator Matthew Harkness at (910) 285-9050 or visit us on Facebook.