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Never too Young to Lend a Hand (Southfork)

April 24, 2013 (Winston-Salem, NC) ─ Volunteering at Southfork, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Winston-Salem, is like having several dozen grandparents for 15-year-old Joshua Grimes. The son of Activities Director LaDonna Grimes, Joshua has been volunteering at Southfork since he was 10.

Joshua crafting with residents of Southfork

“My mom has such a love for these residents and she’s passed it down to me,” said the Ronald Reagan High School student. “Sometimes people see the aging process as sad, but when you spend time one-on-one with them, you build relationships and it’s beautiful. You find a friend in most everyone and they all want a hug.”

National Volunteer Recognition Week, April 21 to 27, is a chance to give thanks for the community members who dedicate time doing things like making crafts and playing games with residents. Volunteers come in all ages and from all walks of life.

What began as games of rummy or calling bingo for residents has evolved into an opportunity for Joshua to share his love of art with residents. A member of the National Arts Honor Society at Ronald Regan High School, Joshua started residents off with water color paintings and followed that up by helping residents create colorful, metallic vases with spray paint and water.

Joshua makes the residents at Southfork birthday cards and he insists on celebrating his own birthday with his extended family.

“He truly loves them and they love him,” said his mother, Southfork Activities Director LaDonna Grimes. “His heart goes out for older people. He holds the door for them, loads their groceries. I’m totally proud of him.”

Joshua said volunteering has helped him step outside his comfort zone.

“It definitely gives me a sense that life isn’t just about me,” he said.

For more information about Southfork, please contact Administrator Jennifer Foy at (336) 768-8828.