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Plenty of Love to Go Around (Woodridge)

April 29, 2013 (Monroe, NC) ─ Etta Helms of Monroe has discovered the cure for “empty nest syndrome” ─ volunteering! Helms’ mother Ruth Waits moved to Woodridge, a DePaul Senior Living Community, last year and she’s been coming every day to visit. Her love doesn’t stop there though. She has also been volunteering to help residents with everything from playing games to assisting with crafts.

Woodridge volunteer Etta Helms with her mother Ruth Waits, during a recent outing to the zoo.

National Volunteer Recognition Week, April 21 to 27, is a chance to give thanks for the community members who dedicate time doing things like making crafts and playing games with residents. Volunteers come in all ages and from all walks of life.

“Even without asking, I know that Etta will take care of our residents, giving them something fun to do,” said Activities Director Lisa Fago.

Pictured above is Woodridge volunteer Etta Helms with her mother Ruth Waits, during a recent outing to the zoo. Helms said when her mother moved to Woodridge, she fell in love with all of the residents. When Fago asked her to become a volunteer, she said, it was the “best feeling in the world.”

“I get to help all my new friends and they help me more than they will ever know,” she said. They fill a place in my heart that needed to be filled. All of my kids are grown and I needed someone to make me feel like I was helping someone.”

Woodridge Medication Techs Sharon Owen and Paula Black say the residents look forward to seeing Helms each day.

“Her heart runs over with kindness and love and she has helping hands that never stop giving,” added Owen.

For more information about Woodridge, please contact Administrator Stephanie Yow at (704) 225-0011 or visit us on Facebook.