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Home is Where the Heart Is (Southfork)

July 17, 2013 (Winston-Salem, NC) ─ When it comes to getting by with a little help from a friend, Southfork residents don’t have to look too far. Several residents are keeping active, gaining a sense of fulfillment and helping out others by volunteering at the DePaul Senior Living Community.

Southfork Resident Ruby Canter posing for a photo outsideWhen Ruby Canter moved to Southfork just over a year ago, she brought some touches from home to share with new friends. Canter brought two small spruce trees which now stand guard at the front door of Southfork, as well as some flowers from her garden.

“That was my therapy at home and it is here as well,” she said. “I always did that at home and I couldn’t wait to get out and help here.”

Carter planted and is helping to maintain the red geraniums which she suggested be planted in the flower boxes at Southfork. She also helps with bingo and crafts.

“I think it makes you feel good to have done something for someone else,” she said.

Activities Director LaDonna Grimes said Canter is “like my right arm.”

“When it comes to Southfork’s store, Ruby gives me an insider’s point-of-view on how I can make the residents happier.”

Southfork resident Sherry Colbert posing for a photo in the dining roomA resident of Southfork for eight years, Sherry Colbert was tapped to help the dietary department about a year ago. She assists in the dining room, breaking things down after meals and setting up for the next meal – rolling silverware, cleaning placemats, laying out tablecloths and putting flowers on the tables. Colbert estimates she helps out anywhere from four to six hours a day.

“I enjoy it,” she said. “It helps keep me active, I get to know the staff and I feel like I’m helping other residents. It gives me a sense of self-worth.”

Grimes said there are many resident helpers at Southfork.

“It’s great to see people that care enough about the other residents that they want to help in all aspects,” she said. “Everyone chips in around here to make it a family.”

For more information about Southfork, please contact Administrator Jennifer Foy at (336) 768-8828.