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100 Years and No Regrets (Southfork)

August 7, 2013 (Winston-Salem, NC) ─ Ask Helen Reynolds the secret to living 100 years and she’ll tell you it’s quite simple.

Southfork resident Helen Reynolds on her 100th birthday“You be nice to other people, do for people if you can, which I did do for my relatives, and help anybody out that needs it,” she said. “I think that gets you a spot in heaven.”

Reynolds turned 100 years old on July 20. She may be a centenarian, but Reynolds said she’s nowhere near ready to walk through the pearly gates just yet.

“I’ve lived a very exciting life,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done so far.”

A Winston native, Reynolds lived in New York City as a young woman for about ten years where she worked as a dress maker at a dress shop across from Macy’s on 34th Street which made dresses for Shirley Temple. Reynolds’ mother was a seamstress, but she died when Reynolds was only 10 years old, after which she was raised by relatives.

Reynolds became a nurse, working for ten years in the Army Distaff Hall’s infirmary in Washington, D.C. before returning to Winston-Salem where she worked in doctor’s offices and in homes for private clients in Durham, Charlotte and Williamson, while also made and sell draperies, curtains and bedspreads.

Reynolds celebrated her milestone surrounded by relatives and friends at Southfork, though she admits, she wouldn’t have minded a sip of some Barker’s Gin to mark the occasion.

“Helen is hilarious,” said Activities Director LaDonna Grimes. “She speaks her mind and she’s not afraid to be herself which is something you have to admire.”

For more information about Southfork, please contact Administrator Jennifer Foy at (336) 768-8828.