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The Lost Art of Sewing (Pee Dee Gardens)

January 28, 2015 (Florence, SC) ─ Many hands make light work. Residents at Pee Dee Gardens, a DePaul Senior Living Community, took part in a traditional sewing circle along with seamstress Radha Dillah, owner of R&D Sewing Shop.

 Pee Dee Gardens resident Florence Barton and Faye Howle assist in the pillow making project

While residents separated the polyester stuffing material, Dillah used a machine to start sewing three pillows. Once the pillow took shape, residents helped Dillah stuff it with fiberfill. Pictured above, Pee Dee Gardens resident Florence Barton and Faye Howle assist in the pillow making project. Once the pillow was filled, Dillah used her sewing machine to close up the final seam.

“This activity was physically and mentally therapeutic for residents as they used their hands to pull apart the batting and their brains to determine how much stuffing was required to fill each pillow,” said Pee Dee Gardens’ Activities Director Carly Yaken.

One of the pillows was used as a highly-sought after prize in bingo, Yaken said.

Dillah said she’s excited to work with the seniors at Pee Dee Gardens as well as youth in the community to help keep the lost art of sewing alive!

“Sewing keeps your mind busy,” she said. “It’s always beneficial to learn a trade, no matter what skill or education level you are at.”

For more information about Pee Dee Gardens, please contact Administrator Sherri Scott at (843) 667-6699 or visit us on Facebook.