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One-Man Variety Show Delights (Cambridge House)

October 23, 2015 (Hildebran, NC) ─ A rubber chicken, a mop head, a cowboy hat and a feather boa – these are just a few of the items that entertainer Ken Sipes has up his sleeve. Sipes’ one-man variety show has been delighting residents at Cambridge House, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Hildebran, for several years now.

Sipes with Cambridge House residents Verlie Deaton and Jerry Hudson during his variety show

Pictured here is Sipes with Cambridge House residents Verlie Deaton and Jerry Hudson during his variety show which includes music, poetry, trivia and sing-a-longs from the 1940s through 1970s. In exchange, Sipes simply asks for donations and supplies for the Florence Crittenton Services, a non-profit which supports young women aging out of foster care, single mothers and their children in Charlotte.

Ken Sipes performing at Cambridge House“Ken helps our residents recover memories and provides laughter and fun with his talents,” said Cambridge House Activities Director Cheri Hahn.

Cambridge House has donated homemade blankets, plush dolls and more to Florence Crittenton Services.

“We thank Ken for allowing Cambridge House to partner with him in this special effort,” said Hahn. “We are all just people helping other people with sharing the blessings bestowed upon us to keep love and hope alive.”

For more information about Cambridge House, please contact Administrator Amber Minton, at (828) 325-4980 or visit us on Facebook.