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Busy Hands, Busy Minds (Southfork)

March 1, 2016 (Winston-Salem, NC) ─ With a bead pinched tightly between her index finger and thumb and the head pin in her other hand, Southfork resident Libby Carter concentrated on threading beads onto the needle.

Southfork resident Libby Carter concentrating on threading beads onto the needle Southfork resident Annie McConnell showing off a pair of earrings she made

Dawn Baca, daughter of Southfork resident Brenda Bailey, recently led residents at the DePaul Senior Living Community in a class in jewelry making. Residents wielded small pliers, beads, hooks and head pins to create their own earrings. Also pictured above is Southfork resident Annie McConnell.

Crafting is about more than just the finished product, said Activities Director Angel Parrish. The activity is a creative outlet for residents, and it requires attention to detail and hand-eye coordination.

“It’s an excellent opportunity for residents to socialize and reminisce,” she said. “The sharing, listening and laughter that takes place is priceless.”

Southfork residents Minnie Lemons, Judy Sink, Annie McConnell, Brenda Bailey and Pat Mitchell learn how to make earrings from Brenda Bailey’s daughter DawnPictured here, Southfork residents Minnie Lemons, Judy Sink, Annie McConnell, Brenda Bailey and Pat Mitchell learn how to make earrings from Brenda Bailey’s daughter Dawn.

Last month’s earrings featured red beads in honor of Valentine’s Day. In March, the crafters will create green jewelry for St. Patrick’s Day.

For more information about Southfork, please contact Administrator Matthew Harkness at (336) 768-8828 or visit us on Facebook.