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From Twelve Oaks, With Love

 February 20, 2017 (Mt. Airy, NC) ─ Love has been in the air, in the halls and on the hearts of residents at Twelve Oaks, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Mt. Airy.

Twelve Oaks, A DePaul Senior Living Community residents making various Valentine's Day crafts

Residents got into the Valentine’s spirit by making holiday-themed crafts, cards and decorations. Pictured on top, Twelve Oaks residents Ruby Vainwright and Marie Simpson show off cards made with yarn. Also pictured, bottom left, Betty Crim completes a Valentine’s Day door knob hanger.

Elvis impersonator Charlie Burchette paid a visit to get the Valentine’s Day, singing some of his most popular hits including “Burning Love” and “Love Me Tender” to the delight of residents. The day continued with a Valentine’s Day social, complete with the crowing of Twelve Oaks’ Valentine’s Day king and queens. Lois Lovill and EC Thomas, pictured above, were chosen as Assisted Living king and queen, and Nellie Johnson queen and William Simmons were named Memory Care king and queen.

For more information about Twelve Oaks, please contact Administrator Penny Haynes at (336) 786-1130, at or visit us on Facebook.