Engaging Seniors with Technology at Westwood Commons
June 22, 2021 (North Chili, NY) ─ Technology is making it possible for residents of Westwood Commons to take virtual hot air balloon rides to far off destinations, stand atop the Eiffel Tower, and tour the nation’s capital, as well as enjoy trivia, sing-alongs and much more. Thanks to a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, the DePaul Senior Living Community in North Chili is leaping into the 21st century and engaging seniors in new and exciting ways!

Pictured, George Donohue takes a virtual trip to Zen Places Worldwide including the Namib Desert, Kathmandu, Fiji and much more using Rendever virtual reality headsets. Rendever technology is allowing DePaul residents to check off bucket list items and engage with the world in ways they never thought possible including hot air balloon rides to destinations such as the Bahamas and the Florida Keys to viewing the Northern Lights, all from the comfort of their home.
Pictured, John Smith participates in an activity with Eversound wireless headphones. The technology is being used to assist residents in hearing and focus during conversations with staff and other residents, in viewing programming on TV, and during video chats with family and friends.
Pictured, Marilyn Fegyo participates in a sing-along using person-centered engagement technology, iN2L, which offers content-driven engagement, cognitive and physical exercise and therapy, education, reminiscing, memory support and more to DePaul residents. Using a touch screen system, residents are participating in exercise classes, sing-alongs, happy hour trivia, and games like The Price is Right.
For more information about Westwood Commons, please contact Administrator Julie Kornow at (585) 293-2060, at jkornow@depaul.org or visit us on Facebook.