Summer Fun on Tap at Woodridge
July 28, 2021 (Monroe, NC) ─ It’s been a flurry of summer fun at Woodridge, a DePaul Senior Living Community in Monroe. Residents are relishing seasonal celebrations, creative crafts and more!

Pictured top row, left to right, Carolyn Brown poses for a portrait during a Tiki Tuesday celebration while Judith Cairns stays cool during a pool party.
Pictured bottom row, left to right, Ruth Romano shows off a sunflower craft and Marilyn Livingston displays a patriotic plate craft.

Pictured above, left to right, Betty Furr competes in a game of lawn darts in the courtyard, Barbara Tanczos prepares to race a Styrofoam plane, and Loris Duke prepares strawberry shortcakes.
For more information about Woodridge, please contact Administrator Courtni Brown at (704) 225-0011, at or visit us on Facebook.