Home Sweet Home at Veddersburg Apartments
March 29, 2024 (Amsterdam, NY) ─ It’s been a fun and festive start to the year at the Veddersburg Apartments in Amsterdam with plenty of reasons to celebrate!

Pictured top left, Shannon Miller was nominated for The Supportive Housing Network of New York’s 2023 Supportive Housing Tenant of the Year! A resident of the Veddersburg Apartments since April 2023, Shannon was thrilled to join fellow nominees at an event in January in New York City. Program Manager Zulay Urbistondo and Housing Specialist Angelina Delliveneri nominated Shannon for this well-deserved honor!
“I have a good support network at Veddersburg,” Shannon said. “The program keeps me motivated, busy and on track. The staff are here 100 percent for me. They make my life shine.”
Residents and staff recently celebrated the building’s one-year anniversary! Named for the original settler of that region, Albert Vedder, the Veddersburg Apartments contain 62 apartments for income-eligible tenants with 31 apartments with supportive services. Pictured top right, Carolyn Marquez, the first resident to move into the building, was gifted a beautiful tulip arrangement. Pictured bottom row at the one-year anniversary celebration are Housing Specialist Angelina Delliveneri, Property Manager Aimee Fox, Front Desk Assistant Jennifer Coyne and Program Manager Zulay Urbistondo.

Residents of the Veddersburg Apartments kicked off the new year with homemade meatballs! Pictured left to right above are residents Elisse L. and Theresa Pinto.
For more information about Veddersburg Apartments, visit www.depaul.org/locations/veddersburg-apartments/. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Income and occupancy requirements apply. An application can be found here.