The Golden Girls of Rolling Ridge…Thriving Together

They are lovingly referred to as the Golden Girls of Rolling Ridge. The welcoming DePaul Senior Living Community in Newton Grove, North Carolina is home to Mrs. Faye Carr, 79, Mrs. Sarah “Jeanette” Baker, 81, and Mrs. Jean Jackson, 83. Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Jackson are sisters and Mrs. Baker is their sister-in-law, married to Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Jackson’s only brother.
All became part of the Rolling Ridge family in the last two years. When one by one they began to experience the difficulties of aging and managing at home, they reunited
at the assisted living community and are thriving on the compassionate care they receive and the loving support they provide each other. All of the ladies were very familiar with Rolling Ridge as they often came to visit other church members who already resided there, and they enjoyed doing things for others who called Rolling Ridge home.
All are natives of Sampson County, with Mrs. Faye and Mrs. Jean born and raised right in Newton Grove and Mrs. Jeanette born and raised in Piney Grove. All graduated from high school and Mrs. Faye attended the Atlantic Christian College.
They went on to pursue careers with Mrs. Jean employed as a bookkeeper at the Sampson County Farm office and FCX, a farm feed store. Mrs. Jeanette was the manager of Edna’s Dress shop in Newton Grove. Mrs. Faye moved to Raleigh and was the office manager for the North Carolina State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors.
It was in the tight-knit community of Newton Grove that the ladies met the husbands with whom they would spend their lives. Mrs. Faye knew her husband, Eugene Raynor Carr, all her life. They started dating in Raleigh and resided there until they retired. Mrs. Jean’s husband was Donnie Carroll Jackson. They met though a cousin, began dating and were “married and lived happily ever after,” having one son who passed away as a young child. Mrs. Jeanette met her husband, James Lewis Baker, through relatives. They began courting as they called it, married, and had two children, Paula and James Jr.
Now widowed, the ladies are home and happy together at Rolling Ridge. All three like living at Rolling Ridge stating it’s very nice. As the eldest of the three, Mrs. Jean feels responsible for the other two sisters. They enjoy eating together along with their other friends, always laughing and looking forward to socializing. Meals are actually a highlight, with favorites including Mrs. Faye enjoying a daily cooked breakfast and Mrs. Jeanette being a fan of supper with fresh vegetables. Mrs. Jean likes all foods and says, “I’ve never had a bad meal here!”
Mrs. Faye is a fan of having her nails done while Mrs. Jeanette likes the worship groups that visit, along with the children from area schools. Mrs. Jean loves all activities saying, “It’s much better than being lonely at home watching TV.”
The trio are very complimentary about their new home and the caring staff at Rolling Ridge. On any given day, they can be found doing what they love, sitting on the porch and being with each other. Mrs. Jeanette summed it up nicely. “It’s the nicest place I know of except home.”